Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Latitude & attitude

I need a change in attitude and a change in latitude. Someplace warm and sunny with lots of sand and fruity drinks sounds like perfection. And maybe a surfer with a great body and nice tan.. cant hurt to dream, can it?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Vampire's Kiss Fingerless Glove-Twilight Inspired

I am a serious Twilight Junkie..Hopeless addict. I decided to create a pair of fingerless gloves in the twilight colors (red, black, white)...
They are very simple, knit flat and seamed, with minor lace work..including the bite in Bella's hand.

I will add the pattern once I have it done for both hands. Right now, it is just the left.
But here are some pics..this is the left. It is not seamed yet. Just wrapped around my hand so I could check fit.

If you look on the left side of my palm, there is lacework representing the bite mark. Once these are done, I am going to make another pair in 2 strands instead of 3 and see how those turn out. This version is done with 3..One strand of twilight yarn that I special ordered, one strand of Cotton Fine in Barn red and one in Cotton Fine in Black. (think it is called Charcoal)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Can't find a project I WANT to do..

Well, I can find a million that interest me..just not enough to do them. I started one earlier that I am not too sure will work out. I am making a sweater out of Peaches & Creme...against my better judgment. I just can't find any other yarn that jumps out at me that is cotton or acrylic. I hate that the colorways on acrylics are so short or just plain suck. Why can't they make things like Ty-Dy in acrylics? It's not that complicated...really, it isn't. Just make the colors run longer. Seems super easy to me...

Over-Achievers I taught my husband how to knit yesterday morning. It took him about 5 minutes to get casting and the knit stitch down and he was off and knitting. Then my 6 year old wanted to know how to do it. He taught her. Took her about a half hour to get it.
Over-achievers really piss me off LOL.

Yarn out of Control...

This is getting a bit extreme. This is just one part of the stash. And yet I buy more..There are still multiple boxes and bins in the storage room. Sheesh. No wonder my husband rolls his eyes.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Leather Skirt Bag

I bought this skirt at a thrift store for a dollar. I decided to make a bag out of it to haul my knitting stuff around.

It was already lined so it made this super-easy. I turned it inside out and made a seam along the bottom of the lining.

I cut off the excess and used it for a strap.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Addicted to knitting stuff

As my daughter says..."Addicted Much?
This is a KING sized bed....